Home उत्तर प्रदेश ‘sustainable Agri Systems Can Ward Off Climate Change Threats’ | Varanasi News – Times of India

‘sustainable Agri Systems Can Ward Off Climate Change Threats’ | Varanasi News – Times of India

‘sustainable Agri Systems Can Ward Off Climate Change Threats’ | Varanasi News – Times of India


Varanasi: The secretary (department of agriculture research education), director general (Indian Council of Agriculture Research) and MACS chair Himanshu Pathak released the summary and outcome document with the end of G20 Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS) here on Wednesday.
It said, “Global food security concerns have been aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change. This requires multi-layered solutions in the spirit of ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’. We intend to safeguard the global food security and nutrition by strengthening our efforts towards sustainable agriculture and food systems by leveraging science, technology and innovations.”
It contiued to say that recalling the 2030 agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and G20 Matera and Bali declarations, the importance of research and innovation and call for sharing knowledge, experience and best practices voluntarily with agreeable terms in sustainable agriculture and food systems is worth notice and there will be an endeavour to intensify research and its implementation in agriculture and related. sciences to improve the capacity of stakeholders, including local communities; indigenous people as applicable; women; youth; smallholder; family and marginal farmers. Effective collaborations between national and international research organizations for sustainable agricultural development will be deepened.
The outcome document further contained, “We recognise the need for enhancing R&D collaborations between the public and private sector to build resilient agriculture and food systems, find solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation without adverse effects on food security, protect and enhance biodiversity, and help improve productivity and profitability sustainably in global agri-food value chains. We recognise the potential of crop and livestock breeding innovations to improve environmental health and productivity outcomes. Effective investments in agricultural research and innovations will enhance the capacity to build resilience to climate change. Success of public and private sector collaboration in R&D depends on scaling up of innovations and information sharing.”
The document stated, “We support India’s proposal to organise a workshop on climate change, sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural practices and actions to make agriculture a part of the solution to the climate crisis. We also recognize the enhanced need of cooperation and research on transboundary diseases, antimicrobial resistance and prevention of zoonotic disease emergence among One Health issues. We support the proposal to organize an experts meeting on the ‘One Health’ approach for identifying opportunities to undertake research through collaborations, without duplicating the efforts of existing international organizations.”


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