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Signs you are emotionally explosive: Therapist explains

Signs you are emotionally explosive: Therapist explains


In relationships, conflicts are natural. However, when we are emotionally explosive in nature, we may have a difficult time navigating through conflicts and finding a common ground to make things better. Emotionally explosive nature can have deep-rooted reasons as well. Addressing this, Therapist Amber Smith wrote, “Being emotionally reactive is often the symptom of a deeper root cause, covered by maladaptive coping. In my practice and learning, I’ve witnessed many in deep pain due to reacting in a way that didn’t reflect their values. The good news is that there is much we can do to improve the way we process our emotions and show up in the world. Emotional dysregulation does not have to define you.”

Signs you are emotionally explosive: Therapist explains(Unsplash)
Signs you are emotionally explosive: Therapist explains(Unsplash)

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Speaking of the ways that emotional reactivity shows up in people and can harm a relationship beyond repair, Amber Smith shared a few signs to look out for:

Reaction to constructive criticism: When people are not acceptive to constructive criticism and see them as a slight, and can have intense reactions, it can be a sign of being emotionally explosive.

Reaction is not in sync: No matter what the situation is, the reaction of emotionally explosive people may be loud and not in sync with the situation at hand. That happens when they are unable to read the situation before having a reaction.

Out of control: Being emotionally explosive can be extremely challenging for the person as well. Deep down, they feel completely out of control and are not able to hold themselves from saying or doing something intense.

Relationship patterns: When a similar pattern shows up in the relationships continuously, it is time to address the signs of being emotionally explosive.

Awareness: People who are emotionally explosive are usually not aware of their own reactions and actions till they have cooled down from the situation.

An agenda for listening: Emotionally explosive people do not listen to hear and understand, instead they see it as an opportunity to defend and refute.


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