Monday, July 1, 2024

Nashville School Shooting: Who Is Audrey Hale, 28-Year-Old Transgender who Killed 6, Including 3 Minors

Audrey Hale, a transgender person, shot and killed three children and three adults in Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee (Image: Twitter/RawsAlerts)

2023 Covenant School: Audrey Hale left a manifesto where there were plans of attacking another school. She shot through the locked door to enter the school and killed six people

Nashville School Shooting: Audrey Hale, the shooter accused of killing six including three children in Nashville’s Covenant School was described as a quiet student who recently graduated with a degree in illustration and graphic design from Nossi College of Art.

A report by the Daily Beast, citing people close to Hale, described Hale to be an ‘autistic’ student but highly functioning. The Nashville police chief John Drake called Hale a ‘transgender woman’ but Hale’s LinkedIn profile shows that she used the pronouns ‘he/him’.

Amed with an AR-style rifle, an AR-style pistol, and a handgun, Hale entered the school by shooting the locks of the closed side entrance and killed Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs, and William Kinney, all aged 9, as well as head of school Katherine Koonce, 60, substitute teacher Cynthia Peak, 61, and school custodian Mike Hill, 61, the Daily Beast said in its report.

She used a Honda Fit to drive to Covenant School, a Presbyterian private school, and obtained the guns locally, according to the police chief Drake.

A separate report by the Daily Mail said that the manifesto police found after carrying out a search in Hale’s home said that she felt angered that she was sent to a Christian school.

Audrey Hale has sparked a debate between left-leaning and right-leaning activists on Twitter. Matt Walsh, right-wing intellectual and writer, accused radical trans activists of being violent and threatening those who do not subscribe to their ‘ideology’, describing the recent discourse surrounding LGBTQIA+ issues as a ‘mental health crisis’.

While left-leaning individuals like Aaron Rupar and Brian Krassenstein have pointed out that not having a ban on assault rifles and certain GOP lawmakers like Andy Ogles who batted for lesser regulations on owning guns.

Observers pointed out that the Nashville school shooting was the 129th mass shooting of 2023.

A separate report by the New York Post also pointed out that Audrey Hale’s mother Norma Hale was a gun control activist and shared several social media posts and even carried out a mini-campaign in 2018 and 2019 to sign a petition calling to keep firearms out of schools.

The guns Audrey used had stickers and writing on them, including “Hellfire” and “Aiden” — a name used by Hale online, the New York Post said in its report.

It also said that police are investigating if her gender identity had something to do with the attack.

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