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Fruitful Prospects In Agri Surface As Macs Ends | Varanasi News – Times of India

Fruitful Prospects In Agri Surface As Macs Ends | Varanasi News – Times of India


Varanasi: The G20 Meeting of Agriculture Chief Scientists (MACS), the 100th G20 meeting under India’s Presidency, concluded successfully yielding positive results, said secretary (department of agriculture research education), director general (Indian Council of Agriculture Research) and MACS chair Himanshu Pathak after handing over the MACS Presidency to Brazil.
Pathak said G20 MACS on ‘Sustainable Agriculture and Food System for Healthy People and Planet’ registered participation of 80 delegates from G20 member states, invited guest countries and international organizations.
During three-day meet, he said, the discussions were focused on innovations and technological interventions for agri-food systems transformation, frontiers in science and technology for achieving food security and nutrition, Biofortification in food crops for enhancing nutritional value, tropical seaweed farming for nutrition and blue growth, Millets And other Ancient Grains International Research Initiative (MAHARISHI), one health as an integrated and unifying approach.
Partnerships and strategies for coordinated action, transboundary pests and diseases: R&D priorities for resilient agri-food systems, climate resilient technologies and innovations for sustainable agri-food systems, nature-positive agriculture: science and innovations for building resilient agri-food system, Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI): Reducing GHS emissions and increasing crop yields were also discussed, he added.
Spotlight was also on digital agriculture and traceability, digital technological solutions for reducing food loss and waste, agri-tech startup ecosystem, pluralistic agricultural extension and advisory services (EAS): partnerships for improving lab to land and outreach, Smallholder and Family Farming: G20- Global South Cooperation for agri-R&D, public-private agri-R&D for public goods: experience in generating and accelerating innovations, said Pathak.
The meeting adopted chair summary-cum-outcome document focusing on major areas of cooperation in agricultural research and development for food security and nutrition, digital agriculture, resilient agri food systems and public private partnership in agricultural R&D, he said.
Pathak said, on the sidelines of G20 MACS, bilateral meetings were held with France, UK, Argentina and Germany for future collaboration in agriculture research. The bilateral meeting was also held with Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy. In the meeting Pathak emphasised that the FAO and ICAR may develop collaborations for strengthening extension service through Krishi Vigyan Kendras. Chief scientist FAO Dr Ishmahane Elouafi also expressed keen interest in extending cooperation in extension service. Selvaraju Ramasamy, senior agriculture fficer, FAO also joined the meeting.
Indo-German bilateral meeting discussed to address the challenges of food loss and waste prevention targeting SAARC Region.
The participants were overwhelmed with the arrangements to give a taste of the unique experience of India’s rich cultural and spiritual heritage to the foreign delegates arrived here, he said thanking governments at centre and state, district administration and also local denizens showcasing the cultural heritage and local folks to the delegates.
Before leaving the city the delegates visited Trade Facilitation Centre and had a glimpse of textile history of the city along with live demonstrations of the local artisans making their products. A small exhibition of leading institutions of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and State Agriculture Department, IRRI-SARC including other organisations such as NDDB, APEDA was also organized at TFC. The delegates were shown live preparations of millets dishes at the venue. Thereafter, a farewell dinner and cultural performances were also hosted for them.


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