Fact Checking Policy

Kesariya News Fact-Checking Policy & Our Commitment to Accuracy

At Kesariya News, we’re committed to providing you with accurate information in everything we share. We take extra steps to make sure the information is correct. This includes checking facts, asking questions, and even challenging popular beliefs to be as accurate as possible.

1. Getting Things Right

Our most important goal is to make sure the information we share is right. We use the word “due” to say that our accuracy standards are good enough for each thing we write. We make sure our accuracy matches the topic and type of information, and we consider any limits that might affect how accurate we can be.

2. Reliable Sources

We make sure our content is based on good sources, real evidence, and information that’s confirmed by others. We’re open and honest about areas where we might not have all the facts, and we avoid making things up without any proof. We also get some of our news from a trusted service called Indo-Asian News Service (IANS).

3. No Copying or Twisting

Our writers and journalists promise not to copy other people’s work on purpose or change the facts to make things seem different than they are, even with pictures and videos.

4. Checking the Truth

We look for proof from other sources, especially when people like government officials or those with a special interest make claims, accusations, or say things that need checking. If we can’t confirm something, we’ll tell you.

5. Taking Responsibility and Fixing Mistakes

We stand by what we share, believing it’s correct. But if we find out something is wrong, we’ll correct it as fast as we can. We won’t knowingly share false information or twist facts, which would make you doubt what we say. When we make serious mistakes, we’ll admit them, fix them quickly, and explain what happened.

6. Tell Us About Errors

You can help us be better. If you find a mistake in our work, please get in touch. You can use the “Feedback” section on our website’s Contact page to report inaccuracies or errors.

7. Making Sure Things Are Right

Our team of writers and editors focuses on reporting, writing, and checking facts. Before we share a story, it goes through one or more editors. We have a system to check information at different levels to make sure we get it right.

Our Policy for Corrections

While we do our best to be accurate, we know that sometimes we might make mistakes. When that happens, we’re committed to fixing the error and being honest about it. Here’s how we do it:

For Readers

If you spot a mistake, let us know. You can email our Editor at Email: support@kesariya.news with the subject “Editor – Correction Needed.” Please include what needs to be corrected, when you saw the mistake, how to reach you, and the correct information along with the source if you have one. We’ll investigate the error.

For Kesariya News

Once we find out about an error, our Editor looks into it using the information you provide, as well as our records. If we confirm an error, we will correct it in all the places where we shared the wrong information:

  • On Kesariya News, we’ll fix the article and add a note from the editor.
  • On social media, we’ll share a link to the corrected article and mention the correction. We will also reach out to you to explain how we fixed the error.

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