Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Creta, Baleno, Kwid top-selling used cars in Q1 ’23 on Spinny: 36% buyers are women – Times of India

Used-car buying platform Spinny has released its quarterly report for January 2023 to April 2023, revealing some interesting trends in the pre-owned car industry. The company has announced that a total of 65% of all buyers are actually first-time car buyers across India in the first quarter, as compared to 60% in the same period last year.
Spinny’s report also reveals that Hyundai Creta, Maruti Suzuki Baleno and Renault Kwid were the three top-selling cars on its platform between January – April 2023. Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai and Honda emerged as the top three preferred brands. Silver was the top preferred car colour amongst buyers, followed by Grey and Red respectively. Moreover, the company’s report reveals that while hatchbacks remained the most preferred option for Spinny buyers, there’s a growing demand for compact SUVs.

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36% of buyers in this period on Spinny were actually women car buyers. The company claims that 67% of corporate professionals bought used cars in Q1 2023, thanks to easy financing options, rapid digitilisation, an increased need of mobility and lesser cost of ownership.
Commenting on the rise in demand for used cars on its platform, Niraj Singh, Founder & CEO, Spinny, said: “Serving a delightful car-buying and selling experience to every customer will always be our topmost priority. The used-cars market is growing at a steady rate and this marked shift in customer behaviour can be sizably attributed to the trust customers have in Spinny’s offerings and services. We know that a car is a special purchase for a home and our endeavour is to go far and make it special for each customer.’”

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