Friday, July 5, 2024

Annoyed with potholes, UK man filling them with noodles

Mark Morell, who is popularly known as “Mr Pothole” in UK media, has become so frustrated with damaged roads in Britain that he’s resorted to filling them with Pot Noodles in a bid to raise awareness. Morell has teamed up with the iconic noodle brand to urge the government to take action over the sheer number of potholes.

For Morrell, potholes aren’t just a nuisance but a menace.

Previously he’d plotted to put rubber ducks and even feed the potholes cake on their birthdays, but these ideas were all unsuccessful. “Since nothing fills a hole like a Pot Noodle, who better to team up with to highlight the ridiculous state of the UK’s roads?” he was quoted as saying by The Metro.

“Potholes drive road users potty and me more than most. The pothole crisis across the UK is an increasingly serious issue and something I have been campaigning on for more than 10 years,” he added.

“During this period, I have had to use my noodle with stunts to highlight just how bad potholes are, from floating plastic ducks in water-filled potholes to birthday cakes, fishing rods, and model submarines,” he said.

For Morrell, potholes aren’t just a nuisance but a menace. He’s met with the families of cyclists who have been killed after being flung into oncoming traffic by a pothole. Each week, one cyclist dies or is left with life-changing injuries because of a pothole on Britain’s roads, Those deaths are avoidable, he was quoted by Guardian.

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