Home देश Steep fines not enough to cut road deaths, government data shows | India News – Times of India

Steep fines not enough to cut road deaths, government data shows | India News – Times of India

Steep fines not enough to cut road deaths, government data shows | India News – Times of India


NEW DELHI: The only focus on challaning and steep increase in fines for traffic offences is not enough to reduce road fatalities and injuries, government data shows. While the fines collected through e-challans by the traffic and transport rule enforcement agencies across states have increased 450% in the past three-and-a-half years since the penalties were hiked, there has been barely 3% decline in road deaths during this period.
The fines for violation of traffic and transport rules were increased manifold after the amended provisions of the Central Motor Vehicle Act came into force from September 2019. The data provided by the road transport ministry to the Lok Sabha shows that the revenue collected for such offences through e-challans rose to Rs 7,870 crore between September 2019 and February 2023.
In the case of Delhi, the revenue increased to Rs 511 crore during the past three-and-a-half years compared to around Rs 65 crore for the corresponding period before the new MV Act provisions came into effect. In Maharashtra, the revenue for such fines rose to Rs 603 crore compared to only Rs 11 crore. In the case of Haryana, the revenue collected in fines also increased three-fold to Rs 997 crore from Rs 330 crore.
However, analysis of the road death data shows that the average fatalities per month during 2019-21 was 12,138 compared to 12,500 deaths during 2016-19. The government is yet to publish the road accident data of 2022. It should also be kept in mind that the number of road deaths in 2020 was lowest at 1.32 lakh, primarily due to restrictions on movement of vehicles for months due to Covid-induced lockdown.
Experts said better and scientific enforcement of rules is key to reducing road crashes and fatalities rather than focusing on slapping challans and fines.
“The purpose of traffic enforcement is to improve driver behaviour. In the developed world, police understand the law and consequently the causes and consequences of road traffic violations. They conduct strategic enforcement where they ensure that as enforcement of such violations is conducted, driver behaviour is also improved and deaths and injuries are reduced. In India, police are unaware of the law and also of the causes of violations. They have a sadistic outlook to book drivers and collect fines. Fines go up and so do violations, accidents, deaths and serious injuries,” said road safety expert Rohit Baluja.
Navdeep Asija, traffic advisor to the Punjab government, also said enforcement of traffic rules and policing need to be scientific and highly visible. “The probability of getting caught is the biggest deterrent. We should have evidence-based policing such as challaning at black spots where deaths are more. We must see how many challans are issued between 3pm and 9pm when the fatalities are high. There is a big mismatch.”


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